Since the start of the pandemic I have been helping businesses launch, grow, focus and course correct. The following are two of my favorite projects in this time.

Avontage logo

Elevating a Bartering Service Exchange Company & Platform

I helped Avontage (company / application looking to bring bartering skills and services into the modern age) between 2020 & 2021 improve their customer conversion, onboarding and retention of their online service exchange through two main phases.

My Role
Business Analyst & Experience Strategist

Discovery – Empathy – Systems Design – Collaboration – Facilitation

Phase 1

Discovery & Visualization

In late 2020 I arranged and led discovery sessions with Sean and his team.

Phase 2

Audit & Definition

In early 2021 we continued the work from the previous year.

Launching the Mindset Coach

I worked with Else Johnson to understand and improve her market offerings, brand and customer journey.

My Role
Business Analyst & Experience Strategist

Discovery – Empathy – Coaching

Phase 1


In late 2020 I helped Else expand on prior work to define and refine her target market and conversion funnel.

Phase 2


In early 2021 we worked on applying and honing the tools and techniques she had learned to date while reworking and launching her site.